
Trikofrut Gold

Non-toxic hose, torsion free, multilayer, for gardening and floriculture

Very flexible, resistant, non-toxic, high quality PVC hose in accordance with Italian standards DM 21/3/73 and Reg. UE 10/2011, 2007/19 sim. A.B.C. and subsequent updates. Torsion free hose with double high tenacity polyester fibre reinforcement.

Società Plastica Bustese is a company that has been operating in the plastics field for 70 years, offering Italian quality products and guaranteed reliability.


APPLICATIONS: Ideal for gardening and floriculture.

COLOUR: yellow inside, transparent yellow outside with red stripes and thread. Also available in green with blue thread.


Trikofrut Gold


Trikofrut Gold


MOCA - Compliant according to Simulants A-B-C-D1.
The above-mentioned product is manufactured by our company in the facility located in Cardano al Campo, using raw materials of Italian production, and therefore 100% MADE IN ITALY. It complies with the following European legislations:

  • Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004 of October 24, 2004, and subsequent updates
    Concerning materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs
  • Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011 of January 14, 2011, and subsequent updates
    Concerning materials and articles made of plastic intended to come into contact with foodstuffs
  • Regulation (EC) No. 2023/2006 of December 22, 2006, and subsequent updates
    On good manufacturing practices for materials and objects intended to come into contact with foodstuffs (GMP)

    and the following Italian legislation:
  • Ministerial Decree of March 21, 1973, and subsequent updates and amendments
    Hygiene discipline of packaging, containers, utensils, intended to come into contact with food substances or substances for personal use.
  • Legislative Decree No. 29 of February 10, 2017
    Sanctioning discipline for the violation of provisions of Regulations (EC) No. 1935/2004, No. 1895/2005, No. 2023/2006, No. 282/2008, No. 450/2009, and No. 10/2011, regarding materials and objects intended to come into contact with foodstuffs and food.

The product in question is manufactured with materials all provided with food conformity.


Trikofrut Gold



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© 2025 S.P.B. Società plastica bustese s.r.l. - P.Iva c/f 00270570120
capitale sociale euro 300.000 i.v.
pec: - e-mail:
Numero REA VA – 95871 / Registrazione n.: 8463/1T del 16/03/2021

VIA DELLA PRAVA, 12 - 21010 CARDANO AL CAMPO - Varese - Italy


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